Saturday, September 18, 2010

the gr8 xbox softmod of 2010: chapter 4

another day...maybe more brain power. Who knows? Attempting to take a process that stretched across several days and chop it into roughly 750-1100 words per entry is a little more challenging than I thought it would be heading into it, but oh well.

Cracked the case, removed the lid, uncoupled the ribbon cable, found that the hdd tray was strapped down by its power cable. So I d/c the power cable, unwrapped it from its snaky path around the tray, removed the tray, unscrewed the drive, replaced it in the tray with the new one, then reversed the process.

I even put the screws back in, overly confident that AID 4.52 would know just what to do. I had the thought as I was doing it that it wasn’t done, probably wouldn’t work, and I was screwing it down tight just to have to undo it later.

Of course I turned out to be right, the thing booted to a series of error codes. First the disc couldn’t be read, then the dashboard could not be found, then the game wouldn’t boot. Some suggested that overcoming the missing dash could/might be fixed by installing it from a disc with xb live on it, since that usually updated the dash for xbl. But no luck.

Next on the list, set back but undeterred, will be loading the drive into one of the 2 spare bays in the peecee, running this XboxHDM and either copying over the necessary backups, creating the CDR iso of them for the appropriate moment, or merely locking the damn drive so I can get a game to install a dash on it.

I imagine a future blog post about “xbox modder’s toolbox 2010” where I’ve stumbled through the process years after most of the people already made the mistakes and perfected the process. So I’ve had to develop some sense of what’s too old to be useful and what’s new enough to be relevant - all over again in a new subcommunity or forum of users. This time things seem to circle around xbins and xbox-scene. With the wii it was wiihacks and gbatemp where most of the serious help came from.

I think I spent more time doing recon in the ninty forums since I found the users less boorish and concerned with typical American excessisms like fake plastic tits, beer and fatball. Xbox users tend more toward that since they’re in the emptyvee/Nascar bracket where the marketing was concentrated. Years later there seems to be a much more jackass-fratboy common denominator among the xbox 360 / xbox live crowd. Judged -if nothing else- by the profanity and heavy-handed homophobic rhetorical gist of their XBLA in-game videos posted here, there and everywhere. /digress

I envision this task's toolbox would have 3 main parts. The exploit, the auto-installer, and the hard-drive-maker.

I’ve just hit the 3rd step there. XboxHDM should prepare the new hdd so that once I’ve done the hardware part of physically installing it, it’ll boot up and recognize it, unlock it with the same key that’s on the drive it shipped with, also sitting there in the eeprom flash that's part of the customised xboxHDM disc I get to burn.

In fact, recalling the first xbox I ever had softmodded, my old cow-orker gave me a disc and said “never lose this” that says “XBOX HDM” in bright green highlighter on it. So I have the backup of the original drive that thing came with, despite having left the actual hdd itself with that guy the day he did the mod.

I did the diligence here, the software I have just isn’t prepared to work with the way I did it. I actually have the C drive backup, the dashboard backup, and the eeprom.bin all on my usb stick, just waiting to be tagged into this process.

I just have to back up and do it by the numbers since I don’t yet have the skills to make it up as I go along.

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