Tuesday, April 27, 2010

trolls and grief

I think I'm molting. Facebook is a coat I used to wear that feels weird now, and might end up in a box of stuff I'd donate to the goodwill.

Had a friend once who deleted her myspace every other week or so. Seemed she liked the "game" of making the page more than having or keeping one. I've considered dropping my facebook page entirely, or backing off to just IRL friends and family ONLY.

My experience with facebook has been less and less worthwhile, more worrying and regularly annoying. I've watched friends jump ship from myspace for lesser reasons.

I regularly get inundated by their suggestion-bot and added a bunch of "friends" who attended the same hi skool as I did. I just dumped the mafiawars app, despite having joined a "group" a few months ago and having tricked out my character.

I climbed past level 500 and mastered the 2x leveling every 24 hours "trick" that most of the wikis and howtos seem to think they invented. Anybody with a grasp of basic math can sort out how quickly those games are apt to get boring. Most people just don't bother thinking that far ahead about much of anything.

I don't think I've ever spent that long playing an RPG. And for all the opinion otherwise, it's just a stat-building RPG with an extensive PR budget. And millions of apathetic sheep toiling away, grinding down their code for them, chasing absurd phantoms.

I got an invite to join a group praying for the death of the President from a foreign "daily player" of MW. I replied that I thought he/she should be ashamed for the suggestion, and then un-friended them. I also quit MW on the spot, deleted all my "friends" who'd been added to pad the mafia size.

I'm not sure how I ever let this many potential-leaks into my friend list to begin with. I guess for a while I drank the kool aid even tho I knew better. I had friends IRL who played the damn thing and I felt obligated to stick around. Even had a measly few moments of actual teamwork vibes over the months I played.

Anyway, I dumped the fake friends, I dumped the app/game, I deleted all the groups related to such tripe, and cleared my account of that sporge and garbage.

I still seemed to have a troll in my midst. I'd post something about how the tea party is wack as fuck and some wiseass would reply with a limbaugh-ism. So I deleted his wiseassery and him too. I'm king wiseass of my shitty little mountain. Cross me at thy peril.

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