Friday, July 16, 2010

nintendo stop wasting my time!

I actually bought NSMB for the wii.

I'm just insulted by the game on a regular basis. There's no save point where I need one, so I've spent the last few months staggering over and over again through the 2nd World. I've beaten every one of these levels, and any decent emulator would let me save where it makes sense, not where the designers decided to waste my time.

Every time I die, usually caused by some snot-nosed insult of a gap placed right where the designers engineered me to HAVE to land...they waste seconds of my time on their demon face deathmask animation AND then the absurd delay at the map screen before letting me pick up where I left off, at the last bullshit death the game built into itself.

I enjoyed NSMB for the ds. I wanted a direct port, or at least the option to play a direct port of that. Instead we have a seriously fucked up affair with multiplayer grafted onto the platforming experience like frankenstein's monster.

I appreciate Mario platformers with skill required, like SMW. NSMBw isn't NSMB. It's NSMB with 10-20x the cheap deaths and bullshit tricks to keep you wasting time in the death-penalty loop.


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