Friday, March 19, 2010

another friday I'm not sure I deserve

Here I am seething about something, not wanting to rant at anybody in my physical meatspace, long since having exhausted my friends' ability or readiness to listen, and I turn to the net-as-dumping-ground.

Which is to say Welcome! Here is your unfriendly curmudgeon on his virtual soapbox wedged between the millions of others, each with their own megaphone even if they really don't have anything to add.

I know exactly why news of Sean Hannity's "charity" being a front for him to live like a total plastic movie star on donated money makes me MAD! Because my brother, over there up to his nuts in the sand of someone else's desert, is a true believer in Sean Hannity and how much He loves America.

Doesn't matter if I myself or hundreds of thousands of Americans can see through Sean, Glen, or the whole foxnoise brigade...they're still stomping their boot on my brother's face and he's essentially kissing them for it by continuing to tune in and listen.

Maybe this is one of those things about which it is proper to be mad. Righteous indignation generated by utterly disgusting displays of hypocritical behavior? Probably a just reaction, despite the fact that I'm left seething and Sean is rich and happy - like the politicians he claims to rail against. Insulated by his millions. Fat fucker.

In other news, California is kicking my ass. I don't know why but my head is a bucket of snot, or perhaps auditioning for the role of an as-yet untapped maple tree. I think it's allergies. The air quality rating has been moderate to high for tree pollen.

We're situated mere feet from one of the "nature preserves" throughout town. Which is to say that it's land they couldn't otherwise profit from, and "turned back over to The People."

I bet that the view of actual trees and not another apartment three feet from my window, which made me wanna live here to begin with, is now tormenting me invisibly with tree pollen. Thus my head is a swelled up balloon and I am mostly deaf, in addition to the 20/10 rating for my sinuses.

But enough, as they say, of the organ recital. Where and what has dear blogger been up to of late?

I've just about snagged myself a Wii to play with. More on that as it pans out.

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