So some old college friends have mostly convinced me, through their nonchalant nature when tackling the task themselves, to attempt NaNoWriMo this year.
The wife is getting a week of well-deserved down time, and we're gonna head out of town, meet up with some other anarcho-punk hippie freak types, and see if we can't recreate for a couple days.
I made the trek into Santa Cruz yesterday to sell off a box of poetry and literature books from my college days. I've been hauling them around from basement to apartment to house and this last time halfway across the country.
I think it might spur me to evolve, grow, change, etc - the having molted myself out and away from that old skin, baggage, stuff.
I consider approaching the next gen game consoles now that they've been out long enough to pick up used. It probably won't happen for another year, but I've been reading about the ways the hackers and freaks have fixed the corporate broken-by-design hardware.
I remain constantly amused by brothers, family and friends who buy the newest shit when it's most expensive. I rely on the easily duped to wear off the hard edges and vet out the bugs before I leap onto any newish tech.
I just got my first webcam. It's a piece of shit that's at least 5 years old, with the expected bad resolution and framerate. But I got it in a plastic baggie from the pegboard of miscellaneous outdated gear at Savers for a very reasonable sum.
There isn't a mac os x driver from the manufacturer, but there's an open-source USB driver available from sourceforge that lets me use it, take pics and low fps videos with it.
So I get to play in the sandbox of webcammitude without having to shell out seventy bucks for the bullshit. And bonus! It's not always on and unable to be disconnected like the ones in every damn laptop lately.
If I don't want a webcam connected, I can yank it out and throw it in a drawer.
I find the old fiction muscles flexing under the surface. I've begun to keep a half-assed story blog dark until I decide to share the link with anybody. But NaNoWriMo might draw me away from that. We'll see.
Either way, with a roadtrip ahead, new albums from favorite bands on the immediate horizon, and fixing to write and finish a novel no matter how ugly it gets...interesting times!